PC: Anna Selllers
About Me
PC: Todd Anderson
I grew up in Southeastern Minnesota, near Rochester, micro-adventuring through the woods and trails surrounding my home. I began skiing late in high school, and through citizen races and a few JNQ races, managed to get myself to a level where I could ski for a college team.
I skied for Bowdoin college, and graduated in 2020. Over my four years in Maine, I was able to progress quickly in the sport thanks to great coaching and an incredibly positive and inspiring team environment.
After graduating, I felt my development trajectory was still such that I could continue skiing, and reach the highest levels of the sport. I moved to Montana, where I skied for the Crosscut Elite Team for my first professional season. After this year, I was offered the opportunity to return to the Midwest to join Team Birkie, and bring professional level skiing back to my home state. I now live in North Minneapolis, right next to Theodore Wirth Park, where you will no doubt see me on some sort of trail daily.